Thu 02 Jan
*•°* I DaRe YoU 2 cAlL mE....I bEt YoU WoNt LaSt!!!*•°* - 29
(Tri-Cities, WA, pasco/kenniwick/ richland)
Maci jay here to play!!! 509-847-4800 NEW SPECIALS!! **TOO LEGIT TO QUIT** - 26
(Tri-Cities, WA, Pasco)
Monique and Julie will be back in town Wensday afternoon. 509 494-0912 - 30
(Tri-Cities, WA, Tri-Cities)
New 📷🆕📸PIC'S💋***New Video*SE XY MONA***📌NOW AVAILABLE 📌BUSTY 40/D/-OUTCALL ONLY ☎️ HazelEye - 30
(City of Seattle, Redmond,Bellevue,Burien,Auburn,Seattle,, Seattle)
hi itS AlliYAH iM NEW iN tOWN!! All DAy SpEciAls SpEciAls SpEciAls!!! - 24
(Tri-Cities, WA, tri-cities and surrounding areas)
``~*** Eactly What You Beeen Searching For ***~``) Limited Time ONLY - 18
(Tri-Cities, WA, TriCities . Anywhere You Need Me)
PLAYMATE ღ ———— ღ H€AV€N ØN €ARTH €XP€®I€NC€! ★ღ ———— ღ - 19
(Tri-Cities, WA, kennewick/Toyota Center incall)
♡♥♡NeW GiRl To ToWn~ShOrT SwEeT & PeTiTe ★5★ExpeRience ♡♥♡Last Chance - 24
(Tri-Cities, WA, kennewick)
●✦ My luscious Lips✦ 【Seductive Eyes】 ✦Killer CURVES✦【 Thick Thighs】 ✦Will have you✦ 💋【HYPNOTIZED】 💋 - 24
(Tri-Cities, WA, Tricities)
█▒ ╠╣ot █▒ COUGAR █▒ █▒ SPECIALS ▒█ ♥ CiarraMist ♥ █▒ Legendary █▒ Snowbunny █▒ - 34
(Tri-Cities, WA, TriCities)
🌟🌟🌟 Ready to play..are you?? 🌟🌟🌟 - 21
(Bellingham, City of Seattle, Everett, everywhere, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Skagit County, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima)
₪₪ ⊞⊞⊞ SeXy【☯】BLonDE ⊞⊞⊞ ₪₪₪ ◄ ☰ 【❖】☰ ► Amazing ◄ ☰ 【❖】☰ ► FuN ◄ ☰ 【❖】☰ ► SensationaL ⊞⊞⊞ ₪₪₪ - - 21
(Tri-Cities, WA, kennewick INCALL/OUTCALL ANYWHERE)
➜ __N0TTiE _ ★ (BL0NDE) ★ _H0TTiE __(Kirkland) __ [$100H-H.SPCL] - 23
(Seattle, Kirkland, Bellevue, ♥ iN.Out)
NeW SeReNity☆§PaNkABL€ BoOt¥ ♚•☆•((SuPeR BaDD)) •👉💄💋 §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ ❤️ - 25
(Tri-Cities, WA)
AmErIcAn DrEaMgIrL »--» SuPeR sExY »--» Brunette PlAyMaTe ( BaCK 4 U! ) »--» *ReaDY 2 PLeaSe U!!* - 26
(Tri-Cities, WA, kennewick incall/ outcall to surrounding)
😘💋💋 latE nitE iNvitE !! thE fiNEst iN tOWn✋🌟 SerViCe!!😘💋 oUtCall aVailAblE - 24
(Tri cities and surrounding areas, Tri-Cities, WA)
⭐BoUnCy ⭐ B•u•b•B•l•e Booty◄•••••• 1 ✰ ✰% REAL ◄•••••• ( ♥X♥$60 SPECIALS ♥X♥) WaNNa TastE? - 24
(North Seattle)
★( HaNDL€ w/ CaUT¡ON! ) ★ ( SuP€r » K¡Nk¥! ;) ★ (PR€ttY • HoT • T€mPT¡Ng ) - 22
(Tri-Cities, WA, your place or mine)
100$ special♡ 🎀H_I_G_H_L_Y 💋T_A_L_E_N_T_E_D 🎀H_O_N_E_Y _🎀BACK AND ★_ O N 💋 D U T Y _★♥° - 21
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick ((Incall )) & ((outcall)))
★ ° 《《NeW GiRlS》》 ★°•.¸《《 In TowN》》 ° ★°•《《LooKinG 2》》 ° ★°•《《GeT DowN》 2 GIRL SPECIAL U CANT MISS! - 24
(Tri-Cities, WA, ★INcall & OUTcalls)
9/21-9/23 A Special Beauty With Class and Experience! Sensuous, Responsive and Never Rushed! - 35
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick, Pasco, Richland)
all new pixz ! experienced, busty, CURVY, mature and sexy..36dd-23-26 inncall or outcall - 34
❄️💞❄️ Beautiful Blonde Bunny ❄️💞❄️ Independent ❄️💞❄️ Private & Discreet ❄️💞❄️ Real Deal - 27
(Housecalls, Tri-Cities, WA)
Mature, Sweet & Busty - Fun & Relaxation - Friendly Real Woman - Thurs. Eve. $125 hour - 50
(Tri-Cities, WA, Kennewick)
¥¥•Last weekend in tri cities blonde PURe BLISS• Sw€€t as can B€• 5star college girl fun - 23
(Tri-Cities, WA, pasco,kennewick,richland&tri; city)
READY TO OIL N SPOIL U Sexy Blonde Fanatics Fetishes Couples - 32
(Treasure Coast, Vero Port St Lucie Stuart Jupiter)
( ★ Y ★ ) Busty ( ★ Y ★ ) G-cup ( ★ Y ★ )Julia Sands ( ★ Y ★ )ALL NATURAL ( ★ Y ★ )REALLY ME( ★ Y ★) - 25
(Las Vegas)
█▀ You'll be lost in the wonderland ▀█ New year Special__Spa yi __! - 23
(Las Vegas, Sunset Rd / Henderson / Las Vegas)
(¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) HOT hot PETITE (¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) 5 STAR SNOW BUNNY (¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) - 28
(Treasure Coast, PSL/STUART)
*-:¦:-* *¨¨**| Y O U R_ D R E A M_ C O M E _ T R U E !**:*-:¦:-* - 20
(las vegas! near the strip)
Xx Brunette X Bombshell X Upscale X UnforgetableXx 702-738-0114 - 24
(Las Vegas, Outcall-Incall ( In Your bed))
▄ In Town Tonight ONLY !!! ▄▀▄ ❤ VOLUPTUOUS — ASIAN — 561-291-9989 — VIXEN — ❤ ▄▀▄❤ - - 28
(Treasure Coast, Stuart- Treasure Coast Outcall / Incall)
Young Blond And Energetic! See Instant Proof I'm Real & Come On Over For A Better Look! - 19
(Las Vegas, Rainbow&West; Warm Springs)
xoxo❤🌟❤ Zina ❤🌟❤ Natural body Exotic Asian mix Available short time only 🌟❤🌟 Must See - 24
(Asian Incall Outcall 24/7, Las Vegas, The Strip)
XTR M°×°TÕUCH M XF L M°×°StuNniNg BlonDe ViXeNXbOOtY && bEaUty - 30
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, OUTCALL)
✨Young Sexy Bisexual Brunette✨ Girl Next Door.. X Porn X Star X.. 100% independent✔.. available ⌛ - 26
(Las Vegas, las vegas Outcall, North)
Fantasies ;) Fetishes ;) Couples ;) Hot Dirty Sexy Blonde HERE To Tantalize U.. - 29
(Treasure Coast, jupiter..stuart .. port st lucie ..vero)
xoxoxoxo INDEPENDENT ** ***rea l*****PICS ** ***no driver **** *DRAMA ****FREE ****FUN***** ******* - 25
(Las Vegas, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)
*XO*SUPER SEXY Special *XO*in town for today ONLY!SWeeT PEtitE BLonDeTreAT **$** GreAT REviEwS *XO* - 25
* * * * * * U P S C A L E . B R U N E T T E . B E A U T Y * * * * * *in-call - 36
(IN-CALL (Rainbow /95))
5 star⭐ treatment come n get pleasured by the best🐱 around 100% satisfaction - 28
(Warren Incall 🏠 my place, Youngstown)
⚠️⚠️⚠️Killer Curves Ahead⚠️⚠️⚠️ Beautiful Busty Ebony ⚠️⚠️⚠️ - 26
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans 🔵🔴 Metairie)
Try Sumthing New ... Sweet Petite Mia ... Specials below.... I Cater 2 Dinner & Show Dates. 24/7 - 19
(Las Vegas, Sahara & Rancho Incall)
____ _______________ ASIAN _______________ Gorgeous _______________ Girl _______________ ____ - 25
(INCALL: Belmont Ave. Youngstown)
Try OUR Super Hot Deal ***** 2 girls Full of fun ! ***** Try Our Super Hot Deal - 19
(Our Place or yours In/Out everywhere)
**TrUe (deFiNiTiOn) OF GoRGEOuS!! *** (TOP NOTCH) ** SERVICE ! Mi-X-x-X-Ed BeAuTy!! - 21
TUESDAY SPECIAL!! 2 For the Price of 1! CASSIDY EXE & her triple D's W/Sexy Cousin SAIGE - 45
(Durango and Tropicana, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
TropiCal SeNsaTioN! BiG bOOtY LovErs DreAm! BeAuTiFuL NATALIA! SatiSfaCtiOn GuaRenTeEd! - 19
(Las Vegas, all of las vegas/Incall near the strip!)
G -- O --R -- G -- E -- O -- U -- S » -(¯`v´¯) - » ReD Haired -G i R L » -(¯`v´¯) CaLL NoW - 22
(Metaire, Kenner, or Out near You Also In)
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ EarLy SpEciAl.... MiA tha CaRaMeL BunNy.... Incall 24/7 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] - 23